Small Business Articles

What is a Workers’ Comp Exemption?

Workers’ comp insurance helps pay bills associated with work-related injuries, illnesses, or fatalities, including medical care, lost wages, and funeral costs. Most states require businesses that have employees to maintain workers’ comp coverage for them.

Does Your Business Need Notary Insurance?

As a notary, you have an important job and must execute your duties carefully. Make even a small mistake and a client might sue you. Then, of course, there are other, more general risks—the kind that every business faces, like the risk of a visitor being injured at your place of business.

Everything You Need to Know About Home Inspector Insurance

As a home inspector, you face multiple types of risk in your work. For example, you evaluate countless characteristics of homes in every assignment. No matter how good you are at your job, you’re almost guaranteed to miss something or make an inaccurate assessment at some point in your career—and any mistake can result in a lawsuit.

How Much Liability Insurance do I Need? Insights on Commercial Insurance.

Commercial insurance, sometimes called business insurance, provides crucial financial protection for businesses. Liability insurance—one form of commercial insurance—is particularly important because any company can be sued by a customer or someone else who claims that the business caused some type of damage that affects them—physical injury, property damage, or financial harm.

Liability Insurance Defined and Explained

Every small business faces the risk of lawsuits filed by customers or others who claim the company is responsible for damage to their property, personal injuries, or financial harm. Coverage like general liability insurance, for example, can pay for legal costs and also financial damages awarded by the court if your business is found to be liable.